Hello, today I'll write about my experiences with this blog.
I remember my first topic ... Music! undoubtedly the most difficult ... it was hard to achieve 200 words ... the truth is I did not know much to say, nor that it would .... at first the english was not my favorite class .. .
Over time, blogs were becoming every day more pleasant, and with them, the classes ... I remember about the city I Would like to visit ..... which reminded me a lot of nice things....My favorite piece of technology .... one of the most entertaining....The best day of my life !..... the most sentimental, The Kiss !.... the most enjoyment and ....My favorite piece of food.... with which I felt very hungry, especially after adding the photos [personal note: do not write about food when you have not eaten lunch]! :)
I think after all my writing, my eglish has improved a little, at least I understand better when I read ....
I believe that the benefits of this activity is that we must strive to write in a limited time, what makes us focus and give the best of each .... I think the disadvantages are that we have little feedback on how to write ... if we did right or wrong, so we think we do well, when in fact it is not... maybe we could have a weekly task to correct what we wrote in the previous post, although it is clear that will never be perfect, this might help.
I have a few points I'd like to know... th teacher ever to check lots of words required? .... There will ever be reviewed the 3 post .... because I forgot last class! Oopss. :)
Finally, I say that I enjoyed this activity, at first I thought that it would not .... Many of my fellow seniors talked about these blogs without much love ... at least for me it was rich writing every tuesday a little about me and my preferences ... . and not afraid to do it again next semester!
But for now .... This is the end.
Cheers! :)