Friday, December 16, 2011

The Madness!!!!

Today is not a good day for whiting….first ….because is Friday!!! And is not only that…second …. is december!!! , and worse than that is only one week for Christmas…. This is very significant for my, and I’m not talk about Chistmas…I talk about this period of the years, because the people becomes crazy…. and more important that that all the institution makes many celebration.
In my case….I have a daughter …and the kindergarden prepare many celebration and different activities.
Beside, the le professors in the university are crazy for pass the most quantity of information and the test are between Christmas and New Years!!! That is not healthy!!
This year I haven’t even thought in the gifts, and my Christmas tree is still in your box…!!!
 That this thing I love in particular and separate, but in this year, all comes together and make my finish with all people ….I become crazy…. !!!!


  1. I understand you!!!!!! a christmas also is a important event for me. I can say that this dates will be as best as posible, and you can are with your daughter and the rest of your family and friends really happy.

    Merry Christmas =)

  2. Ohh .. you're right is a very stressful time and a little crazy, but, focus on what's important: spending time with family ... there is nothing better than that! I wish you luck with this week and has sometimes you have to leave things behind. Have a nice Christmas!
